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System Access Instructions

For all users of the new Logan Township Fire Service Information Technology Systems, please read over these instructions to gain access and set up your access to the various pieces available to our members.

STEP 1: Request Access
Everyone wishing to be a user of the CIMS must read and sign the Logan Township Fire Service Acceptable Use Policy for IT Resources available here. Sign and give this to your department IT contact. Click here to download a copy. Fax the AUP to (814) 943-2668, or give it to your department IT contact.

STEP 2: Get your User Information
You will get back from the IT Administrator a paper with your user ID, email address, and temporary password. You will need these to sign up and activate your account.

STEP 3: Change your password
New users will need to change their passwords before accessing any services. Click here to change your password. You will need to enter your username, and the temporary password. Once you do that, you will be prompted to reenter your old password, then a new password of your choice twice. Remember to pick a password that no one will know and it must be at least seven characters long with preferably numbers and letters. Passwords will expire about every 6 months. Return to this site to change it in the future.

Step 4: Access the LTFIRE Intranet
Now that your password is valid, you can log into the LTFIRE intranet. Click here to check it out.

Step 5: EMAIL Access
All users will need to provide a forwarding email address to us so that any email sent from the system can be forwarded to you. You can use any address and if you don't have one, you can sign up for a free account from Goggle, Yahoo, or any other provider of your choice. If you don't have a forwarding email address yet, your email will be stored here temporarily.

STEP 6: Application Server / Firehouse Software Access
The LTCIMS system uses CITRIX technology to host applications like Firehouse Software and Microsoft Office products for our users. Station computers already are set up for this, but if you wish to access these applications from another locations, you will need to download the Citrix XenApp Web Client. Click here to download and install the client. Click RUN when prompted. Once the client loads, you will be able to launch programs from the CITRIX console.

STEP 7: Accessing Firehouse Software
Click and launch the FH icon to start Firehouse Software from the CITRIX console. Once in Firehouse, you will want to change your password to match your new password you created. This can be done from TOOLS -> Change Password. Once your Firehouse Password and Intranet password are the same, you will be automatically logged into Firehouse when you launch it.